Day 7

By Truth Seeker
About Day 7

Welcome To Day 7

Write this in your notebook:
“I use my conscious intention to manifest my dreams”

Sat Chit Ananda

Create a list of people that make you feel uncomfortable.

This may include people from the list of the first day, if those people have pushed you to grow and brought something meaningful to your life.

Here we are talking about the energy of discomfort. You're litmus test here is "I feel unpleasant."

For each person, really consider why you experience the discomfort.

It may be friends, neighbours, employees, bosses and/or family members.

These people may trigger you, and at the same time, may also be your teachers or mentors…


Have a wonderful day!
Stay healthy and stay positive! 💜

You can download the audio and I recommend putting the phone in airplane mode at this time so that no one will interfere with your time. See if you can limit interruption by children and those around you too.

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