Day 1

By Truth Seeker
About Day 1

Welcome to Day 1

Here is your task for Day 1. Enjoy!

* Today I behold all the abundance that surrounds me *

Write this in your notebook and remember it during the day as often as possible.

The meditation (found in the audio following) can be done anytime but it really is best to do before the exercise.

The Sanskrit Mantra you will repeat during meditation is:

So Hum

In your notebook, make a list of 50 people that have influenced your life.

Don’t freak out right now - it’s really not that challenging and will feel enjoyable once the endorphins kick in.

They can be both living and already departed people, your relatives, friends, and celebrities, writers and personalities whom you do not necessarily know personally.

Everyone who has influenced you, and contributed to your growth & development.

Your list may be more than 50 people. But not less!

In the process of making a list, move calmly and thoughtfully.
Think about
- Why you chose the person
- What has changed in your life for the better
- And remember the best things about each person in the list and what they bring into your life

Trust in the process!

You can download the audio and I recommend putting the phone in airplane mode at this time so that no one will interfere with your time. See if you can limit interruption by children and those around you too 🙂 As much as is realistic of course ☺☀

Enjoy your first steps on this path.🙌🏻

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