Day 14

By Truth Seeker
About Day 14

Welcome To Day 14

Abundance and the Law of Dharma

Write this in your notebook:
"There is a way I can fulfil my true purpose in life"

Om Varunam Nama

Over the past week, we have examined abundance in terms of the principles described in Deepak Chopra’s, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, from the Law of Pure Potentiality to the Dharma Law today.

When your life is full of true purpose, your dharma, or abundance, rushes toward you easily and effortlessly.

As the saying goes: “Do what you love, the money will be.”

It is not only about material wealth, but also about satisfaction, confidence, optimism, joy and abundance! And all of its manifestations that will come to you, if you live your true purpose in life.

Q1: What brings you the most joy?

Q2: How do you feel this joy in your everyday life and in your current work?

Q3: How can you approach a life full of joy, by living your Dharma or life's dream?

Enjoy this day, noticing the generous gifts of the world that surround us, seek us, and ask us to notice and accept them.

Seek, find, accept and give thanks for each of them.

At the end of the day, write down at least three paths / sources through which abundance has come to you today.

Even if it was something very small.

Watch this small video.

Write down 3 cases when you deprived someone of the opportunity to learn, to grow. Think of examples such as helping a family member/co-worker, showing your power over children, etc.

Have a gorgeous day! 😊

You can download the audio and I recommend putting the phone in airplane mode at this time so that no one will interfere with your time. See if you can limit interruption by children and those around you too.

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