
By Truth Seeker
22 Lessons
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About Meditations

Meditation is one of those things that we all know we should do but rarely find time for. Because I’m a bit of an efficiency freak and a mild perfectionist I wanted to know that I was doing it the right way. So I bought a meditation headband, which was pretty amazing and basically played a chirping bird sound when my mind wondered. It also gave me feedback to let me now how much of my meditation time was actually productive. As it turned out about 30 seconds of my 5 minutes was actually spent being in the proper brain wave range. It was quite a wake up call.


Whilst you don’t need a device it helped me and it might help you too.
The more we can take time for ourselves and learn how to sit in silence the less reactionary we will be. The more we learn to focus the better we can handle the day to day pressures society puts on us!

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