Healy Programs – Happier Healthier Wiser Me

Some Healy Programs

Gold Cycle


The Pure program is the ideal starting point for anyone using Healy frequency programs for the first time. It is designed to help your body‘s energy field to recover from the bioenergetic effects of environmental factors.


A weakened bioenergetic field is frequently associated with poor health. Strengthening your energy field through appropriate exercise, healthy nutrition and pure water, and restoring bioenergetic balance are all ways of caring for your inner and outer health.


The fine balance of the various bodily systems is very important for our well-being and health. The Balance pro­gram refers to bioenergetic balance. It is an ideal program for a deep bioenergetic balancing of the body‘s overall energy field


What the program Balance is for the body, Being is for our soul. It is designed to help you remain centered during life‘s turmoil.


Performance needs support. Whether you are a well-trained competitive athlete, a stressed-out manager or a busy mother, Energy supports your ability to bioenergetically respond to life‘s demands.


Relax stands for a relaxing anti-stress effect. Stress can be both the result and the cause of imbalances in the mind and body that can undermine your health and wellbeing. Modern life keeps many of us from letting go of our daily sorrows and stress, so support for you in this area can help you restore your sense of balance.


There are many different causes of pain. In this program you work systemically in the bioenergetic field of the body to release your pain at its source.

Local Stimulation


Bioenergetic support in case of unpleasant sen­sations in the body


Bioenergetic local support in case of unpleasant sensations in the back


Bioenergetic local support in case of unpleasant sensations in the mouth area


Bioenergetic local support in case of unpleasant sensations in joints


Bioenergetic support in case of unpleasant sen­sations in the head area


Bioenergetic balancing of sleep challenges


Bioenergetic support for mental balance


Bioenergetic support to relieve mental stress


Learning syst.

Bioenergetic activation of the ability to learn and retain learning

Learning acute

Specific Bioenergetic activation of ability to focus and retain learning


Energetic support of knowledge retention

Concentration syst.

Bioenergetic support for focus and ability to ignore distraction

Concentration acute

Specific bioenergetic support to enhance focus.

Exam syst.

Energetic balancing to enhance relaxation during exam preparation

Exam acute

Bioenergetic support before exams

Stress syst.

Mental balancing and bioenergetic stimulation of creative power

Stress acute

Supports mood improvement



Bioenergetic support for your body‘s ener­gy balance


Bioenergetic support for recovery


Bioenergetic support for demands of exercise


Energetic balancing that supports your desi­re to excel


Bioenergetic support for the musculoskeletal system


Bioenergetic optimization of the capacity for endurance


Bioenergetic stimulation of vitality

Deep relaxation

Bioenergetic optimization of the relaxation phase

Job / Sleep


Bioenergetic stimulation of mental clarity

Positive Thoughts

Energetic orientation towards positive thoughts

Balance Nerves

Bioenergetic promotion of the beta state


Energetic reduction of stressors

Exhaustion syst.

Bioenergetic balancing of the adrenal hormones

Exhaustion acute

Supports stress resistance via cranial stimulation

Extreme Stress

Bioenergetic support of mental and physical balance

Sleep syst.

Bioenergetic optimized changing into delta state (deep sleep)

Bed Rest

Bioenergetic promotion of parasympathetic functions (recovery, relaxation)

Balanced Sleep

Bioenergetic balancing of the deep sleep phase

Fine Flow

Bioenergetic activation through ionic movement in the body

Beauty / Skin

Inner Beauty

Supporting the coherence and expression of your energetic field


Bioenergetic support focused on the cell organelles (i.e. the "organs" within the cell)


Provides bioenergetic support to skin cells


Bioenergetic support for relaxing your expressions


Bioenergetic stimulation of the nail bed

Skin Elasticity

Bioenergetic support for the lym­phatic system

Support Wounds local

Supports the cells through local sti­mulation

Support Wounds syst.

Bioenergetic stimulation of the cell metabolism

Acne syst.

Bioenergetic support for the body‘s ability to clean out toxins

Scars syst.

Balancing energetic interference fields in scars 

Scars local

Local stimulation of scar tissue

Mental Balance

Inner Strength syst.

Energetic promotion of self-confi­dence when you feel uncertain or insecure

Emotional Well-being

Energetic balancing when you feel emotionally blocked

Feel Good syst.

Energetic activation of confidence when you feel down

Contentment syst.

Energetic balancing of the inner sense of self to help avoid addictive and compensatory behaviors

Contentment acute

Supports your sense of inner balan­ce during recovery from nicotine dependence

Inner Unity

Energetic reorganization of the sen­se of psychic wholeness

Well-being Soul

Energetic balancing to support you while resisting habitual behaviors

Mental Balance acute

Supports positive thinking

Meridians 1

Allergy Meridian

Energetic promotion of self-confi­dence when you feel uncertain or insecure

Connective Tissue

Energetic balancing when you feel emotionally blocked


Energetic activation of confidence when you feel down

Large Intestine

Energetic balancing of the inner sense of self to help avoid addictive and compensatory behaviors

Small Intestine

Supports your sense of inner balan­ce during recovery from nicotine dependence

Fatty Degeneration

Energetic reorganization of the sen­se of psychic wholeness

Gall Bladder

Energetic balancing to support you while resisting habitual behaviors


Supports positive thinking


Energetic promotion of the energy pathways of the skin


Energetic stimulation of the heart energy

Meridians 2

Hormonal Balance

Energetic support for balanced hormones


Energetic support for of blood circulation


Energetic metabolism regulation


Energetic balancing of the respi­ratory system

Lymphatic System

Energetic regulation of the lymphatic system


Energetic harmonization of the digestive system


Stimulation of the energy field of the spleen and pancreas

Nerve Meridian

Energetic harmonization of the body‘s sensory system


Energetic support for the body‘s ability to maintain fluid balance

Organ Meridian

Harmonizing the energy flow of the organs („Chi“)

Bioenergetic Balance 1

Immune System

Support for the body's bioenergetic defense system


Bioenergetic calming directed to the mucous membranes


Bioenergetic balancing to help the body recover from overreactions to irritants


Energetic support for visual ability


Bioenergetic support for the body‘s natural tendency toward balance


Bioenergetic support for balanced performance


Bioenergetic balance and relaxation


Bioenergetic support for movement

Circulatory System

Bioenergetic support for the body's energy delivery system


Bioenergetic support for the balan­ce of the reproductive organs


Bioenergetic support to help you deal with the effects of menopause

Menstruation local

May provide local relaxation of the lower abdomen

Bioenergetic Balance 2


Energetic balancing of digestion


Balancing of the bioenergetic defen­se system


Energetically balancing the body to help it reduce feelings of pain

Liver Function

Bioenergetic support for liver meta­bolism


Bioenergetic support for increased food tolerance


Bioenergetic support for the body’s excretory processes


Bioenergetic reduction of tensions


Energetic support for the body‘s ability to maintain a healthy pro­state

Lung Function

Bioenergetic balancing directed toward the lungs

Thyroid Gland

Bioenergetic support of the body‘s ability to maintain a healthy thyroid


Bioenergetically supporting the body‘s ability to heal damage from injuries and stresses

Sciatica local

Local stimulation of the sciatic nerve area to reduce tension and pain


Crown Chakra

Harmonization of the energies of the crown chakra and connection to the higher Self

Third eye Chakra

Harmonization of the energies of the third eye chakra and strengthe­ning of intuition

Throat Chakra

Harmonization of the energies of the throat chakra and promotion of constructive communication

Heart Chakra

Harmonization of the energies of the heart chakra and stimulation of balanced empathy

Solar Plexus Chakra

Harmonization of the energies of the solar plexus chakra and streng­thening of self-confidence

Sacral Chakra

Harmonization of the energies of the sacral chakra and stimulation of creativity

Root Chakra

Harmonization of the energies of the root chakra and activation of basic trust

Protection Programs

General Protection

Energetic shielding


Energetic balancing of the tolerance for so-called "electrosmog".


Bioenergetic strengthening of the cell


Energetic promotion of clear perceptual capacity


Energetic protection during sleep


Energetic reduction of sensitivity to interference fields


Energetic protection against exter­nal influence


Harmonizing the influences of planets 

Deep Cycle – See manual for instructions

First Application

Go to the Roots

Second Application

Free Flow

Third Application


Breath of Life

Kidney all Female

Clean all

Kidney all Male

Digest all

Pure Calm

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