
By Truth Seeker
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About Vaccines

I know this topic is wildly divisive, so much so that my web developer refused to help me with this site. I get it. 


No matter which side of the fence you sit on I urge you to consider watching some of these videos – even if it’s just to better understand the anti-vaxxers around you.


For the record I’m not anti-vax I’m anti corruption.


The things we have to consider is that vaccine schedules vary differently from one country to the next. Some countries like the US require 70 doses, other countries not so many.


Speaking of the US their pharmaceutical lobbying spend is ginormous, more than oil and gas and there is almost a revolving door between big pharma and congress.


How much money does the pharmaceutical industry spend on lobbying?

Results. From 1999 to 2018, the pharmaceutical and health product industry recorded $4.7 billion—an average of $233 million per year—in lobbying expenditures at the federal level, more than any other industry . Mar 3, 2020

Keep in mind that the vaccine manufacturers can not be sued. Parents with vaccine injured children can go to the Vaccine Court and very few of those cases are heard and rewarded damages.


Having said the damages awarded to date are also ginormous!


National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – Wikipedia › wiki › National_Vaccine_Injury_Co…

The Office of Special Masters of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, popularly known as ” vaccine … Following this determination, the vaccine court has routinely dismissed such suits, finding … Many studies have failed to conclude that there is a causal link between autism … As of October 2019, $4.2 Billion has been awarded .


The other thing to consider here is whistle blowers and what they have to say about the corruption in the industry.


The key advocates in this space are Del Bigtree from the Highwire, as I write this on the 30th July 2020 he has just been censored – hopefully this will prove to be a great thing and more people will seek him out.


The other key player is Robert F Kennedy Jr – follow him on twitter or refer to the website for further information.

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