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US Politics And The Q Movement

By Truth Seeker
15 Lessons
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About US Politics And The Q Movement

Have you heard of the QANON movement? It’s deemed a conspiracy by lamestream media which is what peaked my interest in the first place 😉

Essentially the concept is that there are high level military that are completely over the corruption and are keen to help someone in power to bring about a massive change.

The person designated for this is TRUMP and this is going to be a bitter pill to swallow for those of you that are anti TRUMP.

Consider why you are anti Trump in the first place.

Is it because of the way the media, who hates Trump happens to portray him?

Ask yourself why are the media is so keen to discredit him?

Remember the CIA and Media connection from Red Pill Intro course.

Could this be why?

Remember these are powerful people we are talking about. Is it beyond comprehension that the Military want to go after the Elites that have been connected to HORRIFIC crimes against humanity?

To me that’s not that hard to believe that there are good people in the military loyal to the President that want an end to this corruption.

My biggest concern with the Q movement is that something similar happened in Russia and it turned out to be a big psychological operation.

It’s more than possible that this is also a psy-op and that grifters are taking advantage of it.

Having spent some time in this rabbit hole all I can say is you will learn a lot, how useful that knowledge is remains to be seen.

See All Q Posts Here

As you can see the last one was December 9th 2020

If you want to follow someone in this space then I would look to X 22 Report – he still does daily updates that can be quite interesting.


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