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Satanic Hollywood And Elite

By Truth Seeker
37 Lessons
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About Satanic Hollywood And Elite

If you haven’t watched Red Pill intro , start there before you attempt this.


Then take a look at Fall Cabal – Q the plan to save the world .


If you’ve seen it you know it’s pretty heavy and seems like it couldn’t possibly happen.

Then take a moment to think of Little St James – Jeffrey Epsteins Island.


The one thing that is consistent across all of this satanic stuff is underground tunnels.


Every testimony I’ve listened to, remember I’m a therapist and I’m connected to many other therapists. 


Every one of them involves tunnels.


Generally it involves the elite including judiciary, parliamentary, law enforcement, doctors, nurses you name it.


Remember this has been going on for a very very long time.


Many years ago they rioted in Belgium to bring a stop to it, all that happened at that time was one person was asked to step down.


Remember these are powerful people and we have to bring attention and spread awareness of the elephant in the room.


Finally a word of warning this is HEAVY. Even if you don’t think it’s heavy it affects your psyche.


If you are a sensitive soul, make sure you only listen to enough to convince you that it is real. You don’t have to know all the ins and outs of it.


If you want to know everything then listen, but please make sure you get out in nature and practise gratitude to get your vibration up.


Feeling sad about all of this is perfectly normal, feeling mad is even more normal – but we don’t solve anything with those emotions so you have to come back to love.


Someone that is great to follow right now is Jon Wedger on Facebook – he does a live each week where he interviews a victim. He is an ex policeman so he is well aware of the corruption and the cover up in these cases.


Other people that I follow:


Shaun Attwood

Operation Underground Railroad

Dark To Light


P.S My husband said to me you do realise you have an owl for a logo and that’s a symbol for moloch and I said oh my god, that was never intended. My designer (the one that won’t work with me now that she knows what the site is about), designed the logo before the content to represent wisdom. I’m not a designer and it’s my least favourite thing to do so for now the owl stays.

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