Red Pill Intro

By Truth Seeker
5 Lessons
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About Red Pill Intro

Hopefully you’ve seen this already. All I did here was take a video seen by millions and chop it up into bite size pieces.

If you’ve seen it I would suggest a re-watch, especially the part about the media and the CIA.

The documentary is called Out of Shadows.

It starts to lift the veil on some very scary things happening in Hollywood.

Which is why people are now calling it Pedowood.

Interestingly Mel Gibson also tried to expose these things but of course he was written off as being crazy – now maybe not so much!

Truth is always stranger than fiction.

From here you might head on over to the Satanic Hollywood and Satanic Elite.

Remember that people will discredit this because of Satanic Panic.

So I ask you to consider how rich and powerful these people are, do you think they could create something like a podcast that discredits something that already seems to be completely bonkers? It wouldn’t take much to throw people off the scent.

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