Frequency Healing

By Truth Seeker
6 Lessons
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About Frequency Healing

The more that I look into what’s happening in the world right now the more I realise the importance of keeping our energy as high and positive as possible.
To this end I researched the best available tools to assist with this, because honestly there is a lot of really heavy, fearful energy on the planet right now and even I struggle to keep my vibes high, especially knowing what I now know.


I’m thrilled to have discovered a frequency healing device that can tell me where my energy is at and then send the correct micro-current to help improve it!


Micro-currents and their effect on cells have been around for a long time, but they used to involve going to a practitioner and hooking up to a very expensive machine. Now that machine fits on your collar and can be taken every where with you!


As a therapist when I discovered this I purchased the Resonance edition because it’s important for me to know where my energy is at. For you the Gold Cycle might do just fine. Either way I urge you to take a look, I think this is an absolute game changer for the planet right now 🙂

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