
By Truth Seeker
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About Covid19

Well this is a heated topic isn’t it. Some might consider that it is looking very political.

I have followed this closely from day 1. I was in Italy at the time of the first signs and I made it back to my home country disease free – thankfully.

Like many people I have a Netflix account and I was watching things like the Pandemic, Who is Bill gates and that other one about using crispr to genetically modify organisms and the one about RNA based vaccines.

So basically I was suitably terrified when this whole thing came about and due to what I now see as my pre-conditioning by Netflix I felt for a moment that Bill Gates would be our saviour.

How wrong I was. 

I wore my mask back in January 2020 when I took a flight and a train etc. I stayed home and for a few hours I listened to the media. 

At the end of that day I was terrified by the projections, I got hardly anything done as I couldn’t think straight and all anyone including me wanted to talk about was the virus.

At the end of the week I was exhausted and I said that’s enough, I refuse to listen to this fear driven media!

I knew the importance of fear and stress and what it does to the immune system.

So I knew something was up, why would the media want to scare the life out of us.

So I thought who owns the media and well this site was born from that.

Who I follow in this space

Geert Vanden Bossche

I have been following Geert since the beginning, his original call was do not jab healthy people, help the elderly and immune compromised but leave the rest of the population alone. The reasoning being that you will add too much viral load as more people get jabbed and you will cause the virus to mutate faster to find new hosts.

World Doctors Alliance

This is a collaboration of Doctors questioning the narrative and trialling out new treatments.

Steve Kirsch

Steve is an entrepreneur he is offering $1M grants to help the research of existing drugs for repurposing purposes. He is following the data very closely.

Dr Rashid Buttar

Dr Buttar has a military background and so he has a different take on this whole situation. He has also been dealing with vaxxed injured people and essentially people that medicine can’t seem to help.

Judy Mikowitz

She co-authored a book called The Plague of Corruption, she has had dealings with Fauci when she was much younger and she has a fascinating tale to tell about animal retro viruses and how they affect humans later on in life. She also had a solution for it and was shunned by those that could do something about it.

Dr Bruce Lipton

Dr Lipton’s book The Biology of Belief is such a brilliant book I recommend it to everyone. One of his favourite sayings that he learnt as a student from his professor is “it’s the environment stupid”. He highlights the importance of the genes and epigenetics ie the environment. 

Dr John Campbell – Search Youtube for him

Dr Campbell has been a recent edition to my medical stack, I really appreciate his analysis of data. He attempts to keep an even discussion going.

Dark Horse Podcast – Youtube

This is a great series that is very balanced and informative.

The HighWire

I particularly like this presenter, again he is very balanced. His episodes come with the data to back them up.

Dr Robert Malone

This man has worked with Mrna technology for over 20 years, he likely knows more about it than anyone else on the planet – so of course he’s censored lol


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