Climate Realism

By Truth Seeker
8 Lessons
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About Climate Realism

This one is a very challenging subject, but if you consider that this subject has driven the Sustainability Agenda it is worth a closer look.


If you haven’t seen Agenda 2030 yet please start there as this will make more sense after that.


Then consider what happens in a greenhouse, things grow better right?


So let’s break this down. The climate always changes, it was changing before you and I were born before the industrial revolution etc.


Climate change is a very convenient way of bringing all nations together to solve a problem.


Here’s the thing though, what if what we’ve been told is not exactly the truth. What if the models were wrong – think corona virus predictions.


I became interested in this when I was looking for green energy to invest some of my retirement funds into.


That’s when I came across the documentary Planet of the Humans and that opened my eyes to you guessed it more corruption and deception.


So rather than quoting rhetoric I invite you to sift through the information here, continue your own research and form your own opinions.

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