Agenda 2030

By Truth Seeker
14 Lessons
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About Agenda 2030

Agenda 21 has long been seen as a conspiracy theory.

That’s your first clue to pay attention to it!

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I’m a conspiracy analyst and a critical thinker. I’m also insanely curious about just about anything!

Thankfully there are several politicians that are calling this out. In Australia one of those political parties is called One Nation, fascinatingly enough the recording of the moment in Parliament made it to South Africa and I found it on a youtube video!

Agenda 2030 is the Sustainability Agenda and has many different names in different countries.

It ties to the World Economic Forum and the United Nations and thankfully there are people that have access to it and like to share it online.

Currently as I write this they have opened up their Covid section for everyone to look at.

I won’t sugar coat this, this to me is the scariest part of the whole thing but I would rather be slapped by the truth than kissed by a lie.

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