Day 9

By Truth Seeker
About Day 9

Welcome To Day 9

Dear brave soul on your journey into the next level of your life, carry the intention of each day's meditation for 24 hours... in your heart, mind and actions throughout your day and marvel at the wonders that happen.

Today we will shine a spotlight on opportunities for personal growth.

Write this in your notebook:
“Today and every day, I give that which I want to receive”

Om Vardanam Nama

Write 5 of your shortcomings / flaws that limit you, in your notebook.

These are the traits that do not allow you to receive what you desire, in any areas of abundance.

Do not write only from the mind but rather from the heart. Feel into what these flaws are.

And, of course, there is a pleasant meditation to support you today.

Have a wonderful day!

You can download the audio and I recommend putting the phone in airplane mode at this time so that no one will interfere with your time. See if you can limit interruption by children and those around you too.

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