Day 2

By Truth Seeker
About Day 2

Welcome To Day 2

Day 2’s topic is about finances.

Write this in your notebook:

“I create my personal abundance from an infinite source.”

Aham Brahmasmi

This will seem simple to some people but not to others.

And remember that if it is difficult for you to perform any task, it suggests you have a block - an obstacle in your mind on the path towards attaining abundance.

Be aware of this fact and STICK with it!

1) Please write all of your debts in your notebook.

A bank overdraft, credit cards, loans, debts to individuals, court debts - all of your debts, of any kind.

No need to record the amount, only to whom, and for what.

For example: the bank for a mortgage, an auto lender for a car loan, Visa for day to day expenses

2) After that make a list of all your monthly payments.

Again without numbers, just listing.

For example: renting an apartment, electricity, gas, land tax, water, an accountant, a kindergarten, a music tutor, a gym, a manicure, insurance, gasoline/petrol, etc.

The list will be complete with sources of your monthly expenses, both constant and changing.

For some, this list will be extensive. Give yourself time to calmly walk through all the areas of your life in which you pay money. You may need to add items you remember throughout the day.

Answer the question, ”What does abundance mean to you?” You can write the answer in your notebook.

Trust in the process!

You can download the audio and I recommend putting the phone in airplane mode at this time so that no one will interfere with your time. See if you can limit interruption by children and those around you too 🙂

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