About Me – Happier Healthier Wiser Me

About Me

Hi there, let me introduce myself. My name is Pauline and I’m a therapist (amongst other things) and a very concerned global citizen. Whilst I’ve been interested in a variety of topics my entire life the one that has become of utmost importance lately is uncovering corruption and the flow on effects of that corruption.


One thing that was very clear to me was that the media were instilling fear. False Evidence Appearing Real is one of my favourite acronyms for that!


So then I asked myself who owns the media and well that question has led to the information that I have gathered here. It’s like peeling the layers of an onion and there is still so much that is unknown. It’s taken me many hours to watch all of this and pull this content together. Especially when platforms like youtube are becoming unreliable for hosting and even censoring content.


In fact some of the truth seekers I was following have since turned up dead, which is beyond concerning and I only pray that all of this and those responsible will eventually be held accountable.


Clearly I’m not the only concerned global citizen and I am happy to share well researched pieces from other people. In fact my biggest hope is that you will continue on your own journey and become a truth seeker like me and maybe ‘gently’ wake a few people along the way.


I believe the Truth will set us all free. There is no subject that I won’t investigate and I am starting to come to the conclusion that we have been lied to for a very long time about many things.


Take your time digesting this information, Truth Trauma is real and I’ve felt it many times these last few months. It’s important to get back to nature as often as possible and be kind to yourself and others. You don’t need to binge this information and please bookmark this page and return to it as I will share other gems that I find – my search is never ending.


This will probably shake up your model of the world so can I suggest that you allow yourself to be infinitely flexible in your thinking and remember to trust your gut.


You are a spiritual being powerful beyond measure and the best thing you can do for this planet is to remember that, revel in nature and take care of yourself.